CoSV webinar series: Flank instability and collapse at marine volcanoes
On December 7th, 2023, 09:00 UTC, CoSV hosted the webinar entitled “Flank instability and collapse at marine volcanoes”. This webinar will be presented by Dr. Morelia Urlaub from the PRE-COLLAPSE group, Junior Professor for Marine Geomechanics, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany.
Marine volcanoes once erupted on the seafloor, before they grew to breach the sea surface. They can become big and are heavy, and the material on which they are built, and by which they are built, can be weak. This combination promotes anomalous movement or even catastrophic collapses of parts of the volcano with severe consequences. Just like an iceberg, only a small portion of the whole volcanic edifice sticks out if the water. Yet, nearly all of our monitoring and surveillance efforts concentrate on the small subaerial part. In the PRE-COLLAPSE group we study how our understanding of the mechanics of the volcano changes when we consider the whole edifice, from its feet in the deep ocean to its top high above sea level. In this talk I want to introduce the main questions, the different perspectives and range of methodologies we use to improve the assessment of the hazards posed by unstable marine volcanoes.
View of the west flank of Anak Krakatau, which slid down in 2018 and has already formed a new volcanic cone. The white column of smoke shows how active this volcano is. Photo: Jonas Preine (University of Hamburg)
On March 1st , CoSV hosted the webinar entitled “Results of the 2022 Global Deep-Sea Capacity Assessment”. This webinar was presented by Dr. Katy Croff Bell, founder and president of the Ocean Discovery League, for a discussion about the state…
On September 6th, 2023, 16:00 UTC, CoSV hosted the webinar entitled “Shallow subaqueous and subglacial explosive eruptions: Comparing models and case studies to explore controls on column rise and stratospheric injection”. This webinar was presented by Dr. Colin Rowell, Postdoctoral…
On September 26th, 2023, 08:00 UTC, CoSV hosted the webinar entitled “Volcanic tsunamis due to trapdoor faulting in submarine calderas: Observations and physics”. This webinar was presented by Dr. Osamu Sandanbata, Assistant Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo,…
We are holding our second symposium for ECRs to present their research and network with other community members! Plenary talks, short research and lightning talks, and a social/networking event for anyone working on volcanoes in watery places. Held over 2…
On November 1st, 2023, 16:00 UTC, CoSV hosted the webinar entitled “Volcanoes can make waves too: Tsunamis generated by pyroclastic density currents”. This webinar was presented by Dr. Natalia Lipiejko , Post-Doctoral Researcher in Volcanology and Granular Flows, Lancaster Environment…
On February 1st, 2024, 16:00 UTC, CoSV hosted the webinar entitled “IODP Expedition 398 Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field – one year after the drilling”. This webinar operated as a series of mini-talks presented by members of the IODP Exp. 398…
We have managed to arrange with the “Cities on Volcanoes 11” organisers to allow a special late abstract submission for any science regarding the 2021-2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption. The presentations will only be e-posters, and abstract submissions will be due…
On June 23rd at 16:00 UTC CoSV hosted its first webinar entitled “Physical-chemical perturbations and biological response over the two most recent eruptions registered in the Canary Islands: Tagoro submarine volcano (El Hierro) and Cumbre Vieja (La Palma)”. This webinar…
Registration and abstract submissions for IAVCEI’s 2023 scientific assembly in Rotorua have opened. For more details see the IAVCEI 2023 website: The deadline for abstract submissions is 2nd September 2022. There are several symposia dedicated specifically to subaqueous volcanism….