The IAVCEI Commission on Submarine Volcanism would like to invite its members to participate My deep-sea volcano. This project aims to bring submarine volcanoes into the public image and engage people across any age in thinking about this often alien environment. We suggest participants deliver outreach sessions to schools (online or in-person) and tell the students about submarine volcanoes, and then at the end of each session invite them to draw/design their vision of a deep-sea volcano.

The artwork can be collected from/photographed by the teacher and emailed to us ( These will then be shown on our website and our social media (with permission from the teacher/school), and may later be presented as part of a future outreach session to showcase the young inquisitive volcanic-minds out there!
You can contact a local school for closer outreach, or look for online opportunities. For online sessions, feel free to join the program “Skype A Scientist” at, which provides multiple outreach opportunities every year, and will allow us to reach a broad and diverse audience.
There is no deadline for this, the project is ongoing, but showcasing some early artwork would be great. Please email us with any questions about the project.